Indefinite Hiatus

Posted in Uncategorized on April 8, 2010 by winterdragon

Sorry, dear readers (if you exist), for the lack of updates recently. You can stop keeping your hopes up, as I’ve decided to go on an indefinite hiatus from blogging altogether. I need to re-structure a few things in my life right now, and I will feel better doing this while writing for my own eyes only. No worries, nothing tragic has happened – quite the opposite, in fact. I just need some time to keep all my thoughts to myself. Some day I’ll return, when I’m ready for it. I’ll let you know. In the meantime, take care. Whoever you are.

Farewell for now,

Bring It On!

Posted in Uncategorized on February 27, 2010 by winterdragon

And so the winter continued. For another few weeks. There were a few snow storms, and I got stuck in Linköping, the trains being too baffled to leave at all during sunday. I went skiing through town, got some very surprised looks from folks who had dared to venture outside, and was all in all quite euphoric. This was probably the snowiest winter since 1825. Wow. I wish every winter could be like this.

Now it looks like spring is marching in. Warmth, rain, birds, grass and hopeful buds that cannot wait much longer to burst. Snow is melting, everything is wet. A sad sight. Spring must be the most depressing time of the year. Awful spring, bringing horrible summer. But I guess I’ve had my winter. There’s really no stopping it now. Just gotta go with it. Well, bring it on, spring! Give me all you’ve got, and we’ll see what happens. Life’s an adventure, after all.

Spring and boring talk about the weather again,

Look! A distraction!

Posted in Uncategorized on February 15, 2010 by winterdragon

Still snow, still chaos, albeit inner chaos this time, thereby lack of updates. Not going to go into details on that, however. Now is the time to indulge in hardest of work to try to catch up on all the work I missed due to feeling utterly distracted last week. Yes. I can do it. Self Discipline is my middle name.

Darn. Who am I kidding? If I really were that awesome I would have done it last week, ignoring the turmoil. Nah. Time for a cup of tea and some meditation on character development. If it works in Dungeons and Dragons, I should find a way to make it work in real life.

Good night and distractions,

Snow equals chaos

Posted in Uncategorized on February 2, 2010 by winterdragon

No kidding. This saturday left me standing on a railway station, waiting for a train that in the end got there three and a half hours late. Yayness. Oh well, traffic chaos is a price I’m willing to pay for this wonderful winter. It’s still snowing. Actually, we’re having a snow storm, more or less. Plowing through the snow continues, walking walking walking, only to get informed by a note when I got there that the repetition I was walking to had been cancelled due to – snow chaos. Note to self: check e-mail before leaving the house. Every time. After all, there is a possibility that tomorrow gets cancelled due to lack of interest. I would need the sleep. Quantum mechanics and programming is interesting and all, but all the concentration it requires drains my energy. Oh well, It’s still not as bad as next term is going to be, I’ve heard…

Good night and chaos,

I Like Swords

Posted in Uncategorized on January 28, 2010 by winterdragon

Yay! Today I  finally managed to get myself into Malmö and indulge in some longsword fencing. Gods, how I’ve missed it. I’m dead tired, and probably parts of my body I had forgotten existed will ache quite terribly tomorrow, but I’m happy. It’s like I’m coming back to life, after more than half a year of inertness. So I’m tired and confused about the maths at course, but for now I just love being busy. It keeps me from thinking too much.

Good night and swords,

Snow and Happiness

Posted in Uncategorized on January 28, 2010 by winterdragon

Damn, this thing about uptading frequently is already heading into faliure. Oh well, I’ll try, I’ll try, just bear with me.

Big news: it’s all snowy here in Lund! A white winter, finally, I can hardly remember the last time we had a real winter. I’ve been plowing through the snow all day, to class, from class, to orchestra, home again… Wading and sweating and freezing with snow falling into my eyes and a smile from ear to ear. I just can’t help loving it. All the world white and soft, sounds all muffled, every pavement a playground. Plus, the snow chaos gives me a reason to be late. Hah!

The day has consisted of solving differential equations, some mathematical programming, walking walking walking through the snow, and playing the second and fourth movement of Tjaikovskij’s fourth symphony with the orchestra. Oh, and installing Matlab on my Mac. Really, was this information necessary? Probably not. However, I couldn’t think of anything else to write about, brain being squished after a looong day and all. Now it’s time for a cup of tea, the end of my hideously exciting book, and then bed.

Good night and snow,

Whee, updating!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on January 19, 2010 by winterdragon

Short post this time, since I’m dead tired. Had examination on astrobiology today. Went surprisingly well considering how little I had studied. Hopefully good enough for passing the course. Now I’m more or less exhausted after having tried to turn back to a normal sleep pattern and failed. Tomorrow the new term will begin, with a physics course for me, so off to bed. Nothing more exciting to write about, I’m afraid. Just trying to get into the habit of updating frequently.

Damn, I should do something about this hideous layout. Too bad I don’t know anything about web programming…

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on January 17, 2010 by winterdragon

Ladies, gentlemen and undefined humanoids, may I present to you… a brand new weblog! Welcome, welcome everyone. No, really, you can stop applauding, please.

Nah! Who am I kidding? But in the best of worlds there is the possibility that this blog will have at least a couple of readers, so I might as well introduce myself while I’m about it.

You can call me Winterdragon. No, that’s way too silly to be my real name, but real names are irrelevant here, so Winterdragon is the alias you will know me by. I am an astronomy student currently living in Lund, Sweden. I am swedish and have been so all my life, so why being pretentious and writing in English? Short answer: Well, because I feel like it. Slightly longer analysis: Because I read and listen to a lot of English, it often becomes my spontaneous choice of language when expressing myself. Plus, more people will have the chance to understand what I write here, should they want to. I might occasionally feel like writing in Swedish, so please bear with me for my linguistic incoherence.

What kind of person am I, then? Hopefully that will become apparent through my writings, but some background information might be in order. I am curious about a lot of things, sometimes maybe too much so for my own good. I enjoy literature in most forms, being absorbed by a book is something that happens for hours every day, especially when I have something important to do. Not too good for my self-discipline, but therapeutic in other ways I keep telling myself. I mostly read fantasy, horror, science, history and some science fiction, but I am more fond of books than genres.

Same goes for music. I agree with Nietzche that “without music, life would be a mistake.” I listen to music a lot, with such a wide range of genres that I won’t even bother namedropping. Later, maybe my taste will become evident. I play cello in an orchestra, and a bit of flute and classical guitar at home when nobody’s looking.

I do not always sit still and pretend to be intellectual. I have a passion for swords and martial arts, preferably medieval european. I’ve laid down my longsword for the past year due to illness and lack of time, but I plan on getting started again before long.

That’s enough about me and my strange interests for now. A few words on the heart of the matter would be appropriate before finishing though: why am I writing this weblog? Well, mostly for my own sake, I must confess. I am not entirely sure about why I feel the urge to do so on the internet, but probably it has something to do with the fact that I am a human being, and as such a herd animal, i.e. not entirely antisocial. I am better at expressing myself when writing than verbally (maybe because I enjoy writing quite a lot while verbal communication is a bitch, especially in crowds), and by throwing out some thoughts like this through the internet maybe even I with all my social incompetence and fears might get some contact with people. That sounded worse than it is, but there is some truth to it, alright. I do not expect great publicity with this blog, but feel free to read it if you want, and please comment as much as you like.

With this, I bid you farewell for now, dear reader.
